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Local Republican Committee Tables Resolution In Regards To Governor Bentley

Rickey Stokes

Viewed: 4181

Posted by: RStokes
Date: Mar 29 2016 11:38 AM

DOTHAN - HOUSTON COUNTY:    The "chosen" ones of the Houston County Republican Executive Committee met Monday evening.

A item presented to the committee was a resolution patterned from the Montgomery Republican Committee calling for the resignation of Alabama Governor Robert Bentley.

When the motion was presented, Houston County Commission Chairman Mark Culver made the motion to table the resolution and Pat Jones gave a second to the motion to table.

At that time, in a vote count of 15 in favor of table of the motion and 14 opposed to the table of the motion. At which time the motion to table carried and the Houston County Republican Committee took no action other than to kick the can down the road.


Several years ago Republican Senator Harri Anne Smith made a decision that our area was best served by Bobby Bright being a United States Representative rather than Jay Love.

The problem was Bobby Bright was a democrat and Jay Love was a Republican.

A man in Geneva County filed a grievance. There was a hearing in Montgomery and it was voted that Harri Anne Smith be removed as a Republican.

The local Houston County Republican Committee quickly states that was not their decision to be made but one of the state party in Montgomery, Birmingham or wherever these elitist live.

However, not once did I see a resolution that Houston County Republican Executive Committee supported the person Houston and Geneva County chose to represent us. They were quiet and allowed some group that does not represent us to make the decision for our area.

And then these same group of Republican's have attempted with two candidates and some $ 10 million dollars to defeat Harri Anne Smith, because she was bold enough to take a stand for what she thought was best for the people she served.


On the ballot for District Attorney for Houston and Henry County, Will Matthews sent a letter withdrawing from the race. In fact the Republican Party gave Matthews his money back.

The other three candidates, Pat Jones, Arthur Medley and Gary Maxwell each paid to the republican party some $ 3,000.00 in order to qualify and have their name on the ballot.

In plenty of time Will Matthews submitted his name to the Republican Party to have his name removed.

Well, the local republicans blame the state republicans that blame everyone else. But Matthews name was on the ballot. And Matthews got over 1,000 votes for District Attorney.

That was a slap to the three who paid over $ 3,000.00 to seek election as District Attorney.

But again, it was not the locals fault, it was not Montgomery's fault. It is everybody but their fault.


So it comes out that the Governor of Alabama wants to put his hands on every body part of the woman who is his advisor. The Governor's wife of 50 years divorces him.

Everyone covers for the Governor and he passes out raises of over $ 70,000.00 a year to those who surround him.

When he cut the six figure pay to Spencer Collier, it was then the tapes surfaced proving what everyone knew.

And under a motion by Chairman Culver and second by Pat Jones, the local Houston County Republican Party tables a motion to take a stand.


The Governor did not endorse a democrat.

Thankfully all Governor Bentley did is constantly lie to the people of Alabama, and have a desire to place his hands all over the body of his chief political counsel who apparently runs the State of Alabama.

Had he endorsed a democrat swift and immediate action would have been taken by the Houston County Republican Committee.

Resolution Only Bentley

Family First Funeral Home

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