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Tim Pitchford Is A Liar and Has Proven He Is Asinine

Rickey Stokes

Viewed: 22986

Posted by: RStokes
Date: Jan 30 2013 7:09 PM

HOUSTON COUNTY: Houston County School Superintendent Tim Pitchford has lied to the community in an interview with The Dothan Eagle today.

In the Dothan Eagle on January 30, 2013, Superintendent Tim Pitchford was quoted by Reporter Jim Cook "Pitchford also denied reports that he has told teachers and administrators not to call 9-1-1 in the event of an emergency".
"Pitchford said teachers and administrators are instructed to follow the chain of command with regard to school disciplinary issues, but in the vent of a crisis are free to call 9-1-1. Nobody made any such statement about telling school personnel not to call 9-1-1, Pitchford said. That’s just asinine".

January 3, 2013 EMAIL From Houston County School Supt. Tim Pitchord to principals within the Houston County School system
On January 3, 2013 in an email from Tim Pitchford to the principals in the Houston County School system, the email subject: Law Enforcement, Superintendent Pitchford pens the following:

"Please be aware that only an administrator, principal or assistant principal, is to determine/report the need for law enforcement, resource officers, etc. and when they are to be called for a school incident. Teachers, aides, office personnel, custodians, and bus drivers are to report all incidents to the principal or assistant principal. Only the principal or assistant principal is to determine when law enforcement is to be involved.

Tim Pitchford, Superintendent, Houston County Board of Education.

Yes, I called Tim Pitchford a liar

Yes, I called Tim Pitchford a liar in another issue. And yes I reported that Pitchford had instructed the school teachers and staff they could not call 9-1-1.

Pitchford, being the liar he is, will attempt to make you believe that he did not mean calling 9-1-1.

However, when you read his email, Pitchford clearly writes "Only the principal or assistant principal is to determine when law enforcement is to be involved."

Anyone knows, when you dial 9-1-1, law enforcement is involved. So what did he mean? Until he was caught, if you know Pitchford and what all has been going on and the real motive behind "Security Guards" versus "Sheriff Department", you know what Pitchford means.

Does not even live in Houston County

Houston County School Superintendent Tim Pitchford, who is elected by the people of Houston County, is not even a resident of Houston County. He is a resident of Henry County. Yet he is an elected official in Houston County.

I have sincere problems with Tim Pitchford because Tim Pitchford lied which affected my son. He is a liar and the comment in The Dothan Eagle and his email prove he is a liar.

And that lie was to each of you.

Tim Pitchford is placing the children, teachers and staff of the Houston County School system at risk of their life and safety. And no member of the Houston County School Board has the courage to stand up to him and force his hand.

In fact, cow patties serve a far more useful purpose than any member of the Houston County School Board members. They are useless.

Folks...everytime I write articles about Tim Pitchford, Iget critisized because you think it is all personal. You do not know the man, and the email and his comments in the paper let you get  small glimpse into who he really is. I already know who he is. In fact, the library woman would probably even agree with me!

By the way...Odom, Andrews or any person listed in the email gave me the email.  You will never guess.


Email Pitchford 01-03-2013 by Rickey Stokes



Dothan Eagle article on 01-30-2013 Tim Pitchford by Rickey Stokes


Tim Pitchford Is A Liar and Has Proven He Is Asinine

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