09:25 AM Starla Moss - Revenue Commissioner - Houston County - Retiring
Rickey StokesViewed: 2546
Posted by: RStokes
[email protected]
Date: Aug 03 2024 9:36 AM
HOUSTON COUNTY: RSN has learned that Starla Moss Revenue Commissioner for Houston County, has submitted her retirement papers.
Starla Moss retirement will be effective on September 1, 2024.
Moss was appointed by former Alabama Governor Don Siegelman when Regina Dean, former Revenue Commissioner retired. Matthews has served since her appointment.
Houston County Revenue Commissioner is a six ( 6 ) year term of office. The term Matthews has now has two more years. Election will be the same time as the Governor and other state officials which is two years from now.
In Houston County there are about 18 employees who work in the Houston County Revenue Commissioners Office. The responsibilities are mapping the county, appraisels, assessing and collection of property taxes. The Houston County Revenue Commissioner is located on the fifth ( 5th ) floor of the Houston County Administrative building on North Oates Street in Dothan.
Alabama Governor Kay Ivey will appoint someone to fill the vacancy of Revenue Commissioner.
All persons who acquire real estate through the means of a deed, will, divorce decree, or any other vesting document during a tax year (October 1 through September 30) are responsible for properly assessing that property into their name for the next tax year. In order to comply with this responsibility the new owner will need to bring a copy of the deed, will, divorce decree, or other vesting document into the Revenue Commissioner’s Office.
In addition to the above, should the owner of any real estate make any changes to any existing improvements thereon, or should any improvements be removed or destroyed during any tax year, it shall be the responsibility of the owner to report those changes to the Revenue Commissioner’s Office. Failure on the property owner’s part to report those changes could result in paying taxes on improvements which no longer are subject to taxation or paying a penalty for failing to report those changes to the Revenue Commissioner’s Office.
The property owner is responsible to ensure that the taxes on the property he owns is paid prior to December 31st of each year. If the property taxes are included with the owner’s house payment, the lending institution holding a mortgage on the property will pay the taxes. However, it is the responsibility of the owner to ensure that the taxes are paid. Taxes become due on the 1st day of October each year and if not paid by the 31st of December they become delinquent. A late charge and penalty will be added to all taxes paid after December 31st.
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