10:11 AM Did you Get Survey Questions
Rickey StokesViewed: 1792
Posted by: RStokes
[email protected]
Date: Oct 05 2024 10:12 AM
HOUSTON COUNTY: There was a survey this week people in Dothan - Houston County was receiving.
Once you click on the survey it will not let you return to see the results.
The text reads " Hello there, Rickey!! I am Payton w/the Voter Opinion Center. Please this Alabama voter survey: https://www.register.net/r/ZRQ36KN STOP 2 STOP.
While I did not get the survey I am told some questions asked about the individual Houston County Commissioners, feelings about lodging tax, hospital board appointment change, etc. The questions about the Houston County Commissioners were how do you rate each commissioner.
While we do not know who was responsible for the survey, after research we found it is through Survey Monkey. And real simple to do.
While RSN can not confirm, what we do know is Houston County Commission Chairman is a computer geek. He wrote programs for companies and some campaign programs. So as Steve McGarret said on Hawaii 50, everyone is a suspect.
And our suspect is Houston County Commission Chairman Brandon Shoupe. We are investigating. If Chairman Shoupe, not sure we can beleive the results. But if our investigation leads to Chairman Shoupe and the results are not released then we know the results are not favorable to the Houston County Commission.
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