10:31 PM. Firearm Victim Arrives At Emergency Room - Dothan
Rickey StokesViewed: 3810
Posted by: RStokes
[email protected]
Date: Aug 25 2024 10:36 PM
DOTHAN: 10:01 PM. Dothan Police are on the scene of Southeast Health and Ross Clark Circle and Reeves Street.
A victim of a gunshot presented themselves at the emergency department of Southeast Health.
PRELIMINARY AND UNCONFIRMED AT THIS TIME, the victim of the gunshot has stated it was accidentally self inflicted.
Dothan Police are investigating at this time of both locations, emergency room and Reeves and Ross Clark Circle.
UNCONFIRMED - NOT SAYING IT IS - but “IF” the emergency department of Southeast Health is on lock down, the reason why is possibly this shooting until Dothan Police can determine the exact facts.
As more information is available we will update.
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