11:29 PM Firearm Assault - 2700 Block of Cottonwood Road
Rickey StokesViewed: 3952
Posted by: RStokes
[email protected]
Date: Aug 23 2024 11:38 PM
DOTHAN: 11:14 PM Dothan 911 dispatched a firearm assault in the 2700 block of Cottonwood Road.
Reports of a female with a gunshot wound relayed by a party not on the scene.
Dothan Police, Dothan Fire Engine 4 ( Southside ), Pilcher Ambulance responded.
A suspect description was broadcast to responding units.
While some units reported to the scene others units spread the area while responding to the scene. In the 1900 block of Cottonwood Road a suspect was encountered that matched the description of the suspect. Dothan Police Patrol units are on the scene in the 1900 block of Cottonwood Road with the possible suspect. The suspect was on foot.
Dothan Police Patrol have called for Criminal Investigators to respond to the scene.
Quick and accurate information from the Dothan 911 dispatchers to responding units aided in quick apprehension of a possible suspect.
More details at a later time.
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