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12:54 PM Sheriff Valenza and Investigators Warn of SCAM - BEWARE

Rickey Stokes

Viewed: 3487

Posted by: RStokes
[email protected]
Date: Sep 04 2024 12:55 PM

HOUSTON COUNTY:    10:30 AM     Houston County Sheriff Donald Valenza, along with Criminal investigators Cpl. Brandon Barnes and Investigator Chuck Gray hold a morning press conference.

The press conference was to alert the public of more scams. This particular scam is one where a citizen was scammed of almost $ 20,000.00.

The scam appeared to be from GEEK SQUAD of Best Buy. However the email of the person was not a Best Buy email address.

The trio law enforcement officers warned the public about such scams and warned do not fall for such. VERIFY...VERIFY...VERIFY before falling for such.

The scammers gain your trust, use team viewer or other means to get into your computer, and get into information such as your bank account.

Currently the Houston County Sheriff Department is working multiple cases involving scams. And most of the time are unable to get the vitim's money back.

For additional questions and information the Criminal Investigation Division of Houston County Sheriff Department is 334-677-4809.


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