2:58 PM Kinsey Police Recovers A Stolen Vehicle In Kinsey
Rickey StokesViewed: 2654
Posted by: RStokes
[email protected]
Date: Sep 01 2024 3:07 PM
KINSEY: 2:58 PM Houston County Sheriff Department filed a report last evening on a stolen vehicle in Columbia.
Houston County 911 Center issued a BOLO ( Be On Look Out ) for the stolen vehicle.
Dothan Police this morning had a hit and run accident. The suspect vehicle matched the description of the stolen vehicle from Columbia.
This afternoon Kinsey Police Officer Morgan, while on routine patrol, was alert and spotted the stolen vehicle on Chevrolet Street in Kinsey. There were two subjects with the stolen vehicle.
Kinsey Police Officer Morgan called for a backup. Kinsey Police Chief Jim Mock, off duty, jumped in the assigned patrol vehicle and took off and backed up the officer.
Kinsey Police detained the two people with the vehicle. Houston County Sheriff Sgt. Nowell and other deputies responded.
Houston County Sheriff Criminal Investigator Braxton Arnold was dispatched to the scene. The suspects, one a juvenile, have been transported to criminal investigation divison of the Houston County Sheriff Department for further investigation.
GOOD JOB to all.
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