5:21 PM HOSPITALS Holding Up Ambulances
Rickey StokesViewed: 3697
Posted by: RStokes
[email protected]
Date: Aug 05 2024 5:29 PM
RSN realizes the emergency departments get backed up. Most especially when most doctor practices tells everyone to go to the Emergency Room when they are closed.
There was a brief delay in ambulances being able to leave the emergency department and respond to a medical call because of transferring patients from the cot to the hospital. It is called "wall time" that ambulances spend with a patient against the wall waiting transfer from the ambulance cot to the hospital bed.
That delay did not last long because Joey Pilcher at Pilcher Ambulance rapidly gets another ambulance rolling. Either Joey Pilcher or Manager Ron Durham jumps into ambulances and roll themselves.
Not one time have I ever heard much of a delay in Pilcher's rolling and never have I known their not getting a ambulance to the scene. And Joey Pilcher and Ron Durham are not above getting one of the five EMS units across Houston County to rolling if needed.
But the hospitals need to realize the volume of EMS calls and not drag around with "wall time" of EMS waiting to transfer patients from ambulance cot to a bed. That is not acceptable, at all.
A problem which has persisted and I have heard complaints for a long period of time. Today it caused a slight delay, but Pilcher's came through, as always!!!!
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