8:17 PM Could Birmingham Police Be In Legal Trouble
Rickey StokesViewed: 3391
Posted by: RStokes
[email protected]
Date: Sep 16 2023 8:20 PM
BIRMINGHAM: Some Birmingham Police Officers may and may not have some legal issues ahead.
From reading the Birmingham Police Officers ordered the band director to have his band stop playing music. When the band ignored the Birmingham Police Officers they went to place him under arrest, a struggle took place, the band director was , later carried to the hospital and placed in jail. Later he made bond.
POSSIBLE LEGAL QUESTIONS: The Birmingham Police Department are not the owners or managers of the football stadium. So questions;
(1) who was ultimately in charge of the stadium?
(2) schools normally rent the stadiums for the football game. If that is in fact true, which school rented the stadium and at what time did the remtal agreement end?
(3) What time was the band playing in comparison to when the rental agreement ended?
(4) Did the ignoring of the officers telling the band director to have the band stop playing escalate to the point that required the deployment of taser? Law Enforcement Officers are trained to de-escalate the situation and this article reads just the opposite.
The Birmingham Police Officers, if the employment is as normal, are there to keep peace and enforce the rules and regulations. The Birmingham Police Officers are not there to tell the band when to stop playing, if, those in charge has not directed them to do so.
Just some questions of which the answers could place the Birmingham Police Department in some legal trouble themselves.
And in fairness, the Birmingham Police Officers could have been totally justified to discharge electricity through the band directors body and light him up like a light bulb with the deployment of the taser against his body to stop playing music!
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (WIAT) — A high school band director was arrested after refusing to stop his band from performing after a football game in Birmingham Thursday night.
The incident took place after a victory from Minor High School at P.D. Jackson-Olin High School. According to the Birmingham Police Department, officers started clearing out the stadium after the game ended and noticed both schools’ bands still performing.
Officers spoke with both schools’ band directors to stop playing music so attendees would leave the stadium. According to the BPD, J.O.’s band stopped but Minor’s band director instructed his band to continue performing.
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