Circuit Judge Appoints Special Money Counter In Electronic
Rickey StokesViewed: 4405
Posted by: RStokes
[email protected]
Date: Aug 15 2013 11:21 AM
HOUSTON COUNTY: In the recent case in Houston County where Luther Strange is attempting to take the money they took from the July 25, 2012 raid of Center Stage, Twentieth Judicial Circuit Judge Michael Conaway has appointed a special money counter.
In the order and motion the person is referred to as a "Special Master". The appointed Special Master assigned by Judge Conaway is Dothan Attorney Wade Baxley. The orders for Baxley is to count the money seized by Alabama Attorney General Luther Strange.
On July 25, 2012 Luther Strange's agents, armed with a request from Twentieth Judicial Circuit District Doug Valeska, and a search warrant signed by Twentieth Judicial Circuit Court Judge Michael Conaway ( who was in Baldwin County AL when he signed the search warrant ), and assisted by Houston County Sheriff Department, raided Center Stage in Houston County Alabama.
When Luther Strange's agents took the cash, it was requested by HEDA ( Houston County Economic Development Association ) and their legal counsel the cash money be counted in front of them. Luther Strange's agents refused and sacked up the money and carried it back to Montgomery Alabama.
When Strange's people filed their "I am going to keep your money" action in Houston County, Strange listed $ 283,657.88 as the money taken.
In the material that Strange turned over to the HEDA ( Center Stage ) legal counsel, a document was found where one of the agents involved submitted paperwork that the actual money taken under force from Center Stage was actually $ 5,000.00 more than Strange has listed in the paperwork filed with the court. Strange's position was the agent was no longer with the Attorney General's Office and was attempting to distance themselves from the agents report.
Judge Conaway wants the money counted. That is what Dothan Attorney Wade Baxley is under order to do. He is to travel to Montgomery Alabama and count the money. Baxley is the brother of former Attorney General Bill Baxley. He is one of the senior attorneys who practices in Dothan and highly respected.
However, whatever count Baxley comes up with, if the $ 5,000.00 has not been stuck back in, then it will still be in conflict with one of Strange's own, now former, operatives.
In the Greene County case where Strange's agents raided Greentrack, they sought and got a special judge appointed. The Alabama Supreme Court appointed a Jefferson County Judge to hear the case. That Jefferson County Judge ordered the search warrant based on probable cause established by Strange operatives.
Strange's operatives raided and seized the money and equipment in Greene County.
When the case came to court, the special appointed Jefferson County Judge for Greene County determined that Strange's operatives "lied" and "deceived' the court. The Judge ordered Strange's operatives to return everything to Greene Track. They are operating today.
The week before court proceedings in Houston County in the Strange's "I am going to keep your money" action, Luther Strange suddenly appears in Houston County.
Strange violates the rules and principles of the Dothan Rotary Club - no political speeches. Strange said I know Rotary does not allow political speeches, but he announced he wanted another term as Attorney General.
The statewide politicians can now raise money for their re-election or election bid. Strange's two day visit yielded him $ 26,000.00 in campaign donations, which were listed as being received on Wednesday, following his Monday and Tuesday visit in Dothan. Both donors live in Dothan and are members of the Rotary Club he spoke to.
Strange refused a interview with me. In fact, he said that he does not interview with people who do not tell the truth, that his parents raised him to tell them truth, and something to the statement that apparently I was not raised the same way. Strange then jumped back in the Ford Expedition used to haul him around and his Executive Security slammed the door preventing me from asking him any questions.
It is funny about his statement, because there is a court order in the Greene County case where the court ruled his operatives lied to the court. Now there is $ 5,000.00 missing. And there are some questions he will not answer and afraid I will - which is an accurate fear - ask him the questions on camera.
So I submit to you, if the truth is the truth, then: (1) why did the special Jefferson County Judge ruled that Strange operatives lied? (2) why won't Strange answer the questions on camera, then it is Strange telling the "truth??" in his own unedited words. ANSWER: Strange will not interview because he does not know what evidence that I or someone else might produce.
And normally, when I ask someone questions on camera, I already have evidence of the truthful answer, I am just waiting on their untruthful answer!
One plus(+) one equals ( = ) two.
Anxiously awaiting your totals.
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