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From Michael Schmitz - Son of Mike and Sandy Schmitz

Rickey Stokes

Viewed: 5836

Posted by: RStokes
[email protected]
Date: Oct 09 2020 7:26 AM


Mike Schmitz is back at the house doing well. Thanks for your continued prayers and support – we ask during this season no visits to the house be made, and no gifts/flowers be delivered. Your prayers are the greatest gift we could ever ask for.

First, may God receive all the glory for Dad’s recovery. None of this would have been possible without a loving, Heavenly Father. Read below for the full story.

On Friday, September 25th, I went to the emergency room with Dad. His watch told him that his resting heart rate was at dangerous levels for a few days, so he decided to get checked out. Going in we were thinking it was atrial flutter – something that once caught is easy to manage. His cardiologist, Dr. Mike Pinson, happened to be on call that day and went to check up on him while we were in the ER. He decided to have Dad stay over the weekend and requested an echo be done of his heart, which happened before Dad was even admitted to his hospital room.

Thank God he did – turns out there was a much more severe and fatal issue underneath his A. flutter. Dad had 90% blockage everywhere in his heart, and his heart efficiency was at a 20%. For reference, at below 30% is when doctors are concerned of a heart spontaneously giving up. His heart is also in bad physical shape. In short, we had a lot to pray about these past thirteen days.

He had triple bypass surgery done by Dr. Steve Johnson on Tuesday, September 29th. That was probably the most difficult day for my mom and myself. We heard at lunch time that the bypass was a success, and that he was recovering in the ICU. From there it was an uphill battle. It looked like the outcome was grim. In the mornings we heard that he was recovering well, and in the evenings a new facet of his heart issues came to light.

Because of the safety precautions from COVID-19, Mom and I were unable to see him. We had to rely on calls from both Dr. Pinson and Dr. Johnson, as well as dad’s texts and calls whenever he was capable. Needless to say, we were all exhausted and scared. Dad was undergoing so much stress. We were so thankful to have the staff at Southeast Health doing everything they can to help him recover.

Though every day presented new challenges, it seemed as though his recovery process was going smoothly. He was transitioned to the seventh floor of the hospital this past Monday, and by that time the hospital was prepared to follow the new visitation orders from the state. Mom was able to see him Monday, and I got to spend the whole afternoon and evening with him on Tuesday. He was in a much better place by the time we got to see him. He was sounding much better, fully awake and aware. I got to talk to him about how he was feeling and about the future, but the best part was just sitting in the room with him. I think I needed that as much as he did.

He’s home, content, and doing well. It’s going be a slow process of recovery, but one he and our family are ready for.

Thank you to Dr. Mike Pinson who made the call to admit Dad and walked beside us these past thirteen days. Your discernment and expertise saved his life.

Thank you to Dr. Steve Johnson who performed the triple bypass and guided us through the recovery process. You brought with you a positive outlook that was needed in an uncertain time, and we were able to rest easy while dad’s heart was in your hands.

Thank you to all the staff of Southeast Health, who took excellent care of Mike Schmitz during his stay. He had such a great experience with every person who helped him during this rough time that he almost didn’t want to leave!

And thank you, who prayed for my father in the darkest moment this family has ever experienced. An entire city was blanketed with prayers for this one man, and we believe God heard you. You cried when we cried, you filled the skies with praise and worship, you called out to a wonderful Creator and the ultimate Healer. And He heard you. We are overwhelmed by the support we received. When dad was transferred out of ICU, the hospital’s parking lot was full of cars playing worship as loud as they can while praising God for this victory.

None of this would have been possible without the love and protection our Heavenly Father provided. It’s hard to express how much God intervened and how He was Lord over this situation, but I’ll try.

Dad felt fine when going into the ER – we really went in thinking this was a minor issue. Atrial flutter shares nothing in common with Dad’s real heart issues. If He didn’t have an elevated heart rate, he could have died two weeks ago. It just so happened that Dad’s cardiologist was on call. It was Dr. Pinson who raised the alarms, and without him being there at just the right time, Dad could have died. Looking back I see God was taking care of us before we even knew there was an issue.

There was plenty of doubt every step of the way that Dad was going to make it. We kept asking people to pray for a miracle. Our family’s prayer was the same throughout. We said that If God was going to take Dad, He would still be Lord over our lives and our faith would not waver. We did pray, however, that God would hear our hearts as He lorded over Dad’s life. We asked for healing, and we cried out to the Way Maker when it looked like there was no hope.

God deserves all the glory. I tell people we’re not out of the woods yet. Our family’s lives, including Dad’s will probably never be as it was before this, but God hasn’t let us down. We will continue to put our trust in the One who made a difference.

Mom’s scripture through this was Psalm 23. We walked through a valley of death and the deepest darkness, but we know a Savior who is bringing us out without fear.

'The Lord is my shepherd; I have all that I need. He lets me rest in green meadows; he leads me beside peaceful streams. He renews my strength. He guides me along right paths, bringing honor to his name. Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me. Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me. You prepare a feast for me in the presence of my enemies. You honor me by anointing my head with oil. My cup overflows with blessings. Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will live in the house of the Lord forever.'

From Michael Schmitz - Son of Mike and Sandy Schmitz

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