NOT GUILTY So Says A Houston County Jury of 12 - Attorney Shaun McGhee Defense Attorney
Rickey StokesViewed: 6119
Posted by: RStokes
[email protected]
Date: Sep 25 2019 12:23 AM
HOUSTON COUNTY: This week in Houston County the Judges are very busy. This week is designated as Criminal Jury Trial Week.
One case before the Honorable Circuit Court Judge Butch Binford was an Attempted Sexual Abuse case. This case went before a jury of 12 Houston County residents.
The defendant in this case was Phillip Weiss. He was charged with a Grand Jury Indictment which returned the indictment for Attempted Sexual Abuse.
Grand Juries are secret bodies of 18 people which assemble to hear information about a case and make a decision to indict or not indict. Normally they hear one side of the case. The Grand Jury system calls for the Foreperson of the jury to run the Grand Jury. He or she can order the prosecutor out of the room but most forepersons do not have that knowledge or backbone.
One side of the case is heard because the defendant, while having a right to testify to the Grand Jury, normally does not on advise of legal counsel because their attorney can not be in there when they do. But normally the prosecutor is. So the chances of being indicted are often strong when they only hear one side of the case.
In this case the investigating officer decided to not sign an arrest warrant but put the case investigation material before the Grand Jury.
On May 23, 2018 the Grand Jury Indictment was returned. One July 1, 2018 Phillip Weiss was arrested and placed in the Houston County Jail. He remained in the jail from July 1 until July 6, 2018 when he was released on a $ 100,000.00 bond.
Defense Attorney Shaun McGhee of Smith and McGhee represented Phillip Weiss in the case before Judge Binford. The prosecutor and investigating officer did a good job in their case preparation and presentation. But the prosecutor and investigator are forced to deal with the information provided.
The case was Weiss was alleged to have touched in the bedroom of a minor of girlfriend in the bedroom. Some two months later it was alleged the daughter disclosed this information to her father.
Shaun McGhee presented that Phillip Weiss gave a statement to the criminal investigator denying the allegations and asked for a polygraph test.
After the prosecutor and Defense Attorney Shaun McGhee presented the case it was not in the hands of 12 men and women. After two hours of deliberation the jury of 12 returned a unanimous verdict on Phillip Weiss of NOT GUILTY.
Shaun McGhee is an experienced attorney. While in the criminal defense attorney field, he handles all types of cases to include Civil - Criminal and Domestic.
McGhee practices with his partners in Smith and McGhee located at Main and Oates Street next to Justice Park. Attorney Shaun McGhee, Thomas Smith and Scott Smith have extensive experience and diligently represent their clients.
For more information CLICK HERE.
Not Guilty Weiss by Rickey Stokes on Scribd
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