UPDATED @ 8:57 PM 5:49 PM EMS and Dothan Fire Responded To Cottonwood AGAIN
Rickey StokesViewed: 7960
Posted by: RStokes
[email protected]
Date: Sep 23 2024 6:00 PM
COTTONWOOD: 5:43 PM Houston County 911 dispatched EMS to the original residence on Hanging Moss Trial at Cottonwood at 5:43 PM to another medical emergency.
Reports are two more patients with febtanyl exposure.
Cottonwood Rescue responded and mutual aid assistance has been requested to the scene. Dothan Fire Advanced Life Support Paramedics are responding and intercepting Cottonwood Rescue. Who is affected at this time is unknown.
Houston County Sheriff Donald Valenza and members of Houston County Sheriff Department are on the scene. Cottonwood Volunteer Fire Department has been requested to the scene.
Cottonwood Volunteer Fire Chief Randy Hall has requested Dothan Fire Haz Mat Team be dispatched. Dothan Fire Chief Larry Williams is on top of the calls and assisting in the coordination and management of the sitation.
More information as it becomes available.
On the scene in Cottonwood off Willie Varnum Road just before the dead end into State Line Road, multiple agencies are on the scene.
Dothan Fire Department has hte Haz Mat trailer truck on the scene, two fore engine pumpers. Cottonwood Voluteer Fire Chief Randy Hall and members of Cottonwood Voluteer Fire Department are on the scene.
Rehobeth Fire - Rescue has two ALS Ambulances on the scene. Cottonwood Rescue ambulance had to be taken out of service until decontaminated.
The Dothan Fire Department Haz Mat Team, The Battalion Chief, Houston County Sheriff Donald Valenza, Houston County Sheriff Chief Deputy Jeff Carlisle, Houston County Sheriff Vice Investigators are all on the scene.
Dothan Fire Haz Mat team are in the protective suits like the Michelin man suit ( no joke intended - simply used as an example ) to protect themsleves as they attempt to see what the chemicals are that are present.
When emergency units arrived earlier this afternoon a female ran from the house. She was afraid that she was going to jail. Cottonwood Police Chief Tony Money came in contact with her. The officers began to check a boat. Chief Money started not looking well and the other emergency responders told him to sit down. He was in a pontoon boat that was parked checking things out. Moments later Cottonwood Police Chief Tony Money fell out cold, falling between two seats.
Cottonwood EMS administered Narcan. Multiple cans of Narcan. Emergency units notified Houston County 911 dispatch "officer down". Chief Money was placed in Cottonwood Rescue ambulance and transport began to Southeast Health. Dothan Fire Department Advanced Life Support unit was dispatched and intercepted Cottonwood Rescue not long after they left the scene.
Multiple law enforcement began running ahead and behind the ambulance clearing the way and blocking intersections as they rushed Chief Money to Southeast Health. Chief Money had regained conscious, walking talkiing and able to joke some after arrival at the hospital.
Houston County Sheriff Donald Valenza dispatched Sheriff Vice Deputies to the scene.
Cottonwood Police Director of Public Safety Jim Smith and Cottonwood EMS Captain Beau Deathridge were on the scene. They had helped Chief Money. They had moved from the problem area and were at the back of the EMS Rescue Tahoe. Both began feeling hot, sweating, and light headed. Cottonwood Rescue had returned to the scene. Both Smith and Deathridge were placed in the ambulance and transported to Southeast Health, emergency. Dothan Fire Advanced Life Support Team once again intercepted the Cottonwood Ambulance.
Deathridge was released from the hospital. Smith was kept overnight for observation.
Cottonwood Volunteer Fire Chief Randy Hall requested mutual aid assistance from Dothan Fire Haz Mat Team. They responded along with Battalion Chief. The decision was made to take the Cottonwood Ambulance out of service because did not know what substance was present.
Rehobeth Fire - Rehobeth responded two ambulances to Cottonwood.
The scene is on Hanging Moss Trial.
Dothan Fire Haz Mat along with Cottonwood Fire, Cottonwood Police Cpl. Justin Pearson are also on the scene with Sheriff Valenza, Chief Deputy Carlisle and members of the Sheriff Department.
At this time the exact checmicals are unknown.
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