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Aaron Sanders and Henry County School Board

Viewed: 5835

Posted by: kfreeman
[email protected]
Date: May 22 2012 2:52 AM

There is a duty of due care that the law recognizes one person owes to another. This duty may arise from a contract, a statute, common sense, or a special relationship the parties have to one another. Regarding students, the courts have found that schools and their employees have the duty to supervise students, provide adequate and appropriate instruction. Once a duty has been established, the injured individual must show that the duty was breached. The duty has been breached when the individual unreasonably (13yrs) fails to carry out the duty. If Aaron Sanders is emancipated and files a suit against the School system he may or may not win. He will force changes on a inadequate graduation system so that other future Graduates will not have to face what Aaron has had to face. I suggest a fund set up to raise the needed financial backing to insure Aaron's case is heard in a court of law. Aaron you now have a very powerful, professional and respected witness don't waste it

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FDC - Jun 14 2012 12: AM 10:39
How embarrasing for the parents and child. My kid all but failed high school and he passed the exam. Go figure.
ALguy61 - Jun 13 2012 12: AM 00:39
I was looking at the stats for the AHSGE for the class of 2011 in the state of Alabama (last year's seniors). 94% of all members of the class of 2011 passed the reading exam. 91% passed the language section; 95% passed the mathematics section; 88% passed the Social Studies section; and 98% passed the Biology section. And yet, there are those that say there is a problem with the test. On four of the tests, over 90% passed the test. These stats include special education students along with the regular students. For Henry County, 97% Reading, 94% Language, 96% Math, 86% Social Studies, and 99% Biology. Henry County's scores are above the state percentages in 4 out of 5 tests. Hmmm...... The stats haven't been posted for this year's seniors. Might be interesting...
getoverit - Jun 04 2012 12: AM 22:18
Ha, no open comments on his latest article...hmmmm
yankee - Jun 04 2012 12: AM 09:39
Tell the rest of the story, the eagle did today straight from the state superintendent!
Stitch - Jun 03 2012 12: AM 23:04
Hahaha I cant believe people are STILL talking about it. The boy DIDN'T GRADUATE for Pete's sake. This is incredible. He walked with his fellows and didnt get a diploma. Dothan schools have always allowed the student to walk and they got an attendance certificate until such a point as they met all requirements. WHY are people all up in arms over a person they don't know or over something that doesn't affect them in the least bit? Mind your own business!!!
yankee - May 30 2012 12: AM 07:03
I will never eat at their restaurant again, what a message to this kids, if you don"t do your work we will get a judge to do it for you, don't study and earn it momma and daddy will get it done for you it does not matter that the rest earned their degree Rickey Stokes will do it for him. Another bad choice Rickey
getoverit - May 29 2012 12: AM 18:26
You know, I held my tongue for way too long while reading all this crap. It's all about who you are and who you know in Headland. It should have STOPPED when the board voted NO!! He had plenty of chances to pass and he failed. End of story. But, he won and kudos to him. Yay. It's over. Deal with it. Life goes on! Stop talking about it. It's like a soap opera that won't go off. He got what he wanted. Nobody needs to be sued because the only ones at fault were the parents for not realizing the problem long before time for graduation. Like teacher grad, I'm in complete contact with my kids teachers and I know what's going on. WOW! Wish I had the pull and the money some people had. It's all about who you are and who you know. Headland hasn't changed in 30 years and never will. Good luck Aaron.
teachergrad - May 24 2012 12: AM 08:46
While the school should have done a better job of leaving a "paper trail" of contact with the parents and the student, I have to question why the parents haven't realized that this young man obviously has a reading deficiency. I have elementary children of my own and not only do I work with them at home, I make certain that I am in contact with their teachers about their progress. I can almost guarentee that there were educators that tried to alert the parents well before middle and high school. My question is are the parents in denial? Is this fight really about the child and the school district? Could it be that this fight is really because the parents just now realize that they may have failed their child well before he entered the halls of Headland High School? Just a thought.
teachergrad - May 24 2012 12: AM 08:36
Over the last few weeks, I have spend way too much time reading from this so called "news" website. I have never seen so much bias in my life. As a former graduate and current high school educator in another district, I agree that there are definite problems with the AHSGE exam. However, I must also state that if this young man has taken the test and failed each time it has been given, there is a deeper problem here. The "cut score" for reading is quite low (not as low as some other parts of the exam). If he cannot read and comprehend this test as an 18 year old young man, then this tells me the issue is far beyond walking across a stage.
libid1234 - May 23 2012 12: AM 17:50
RS Wow you got Aaron to walk but you threw the Black community under the Bus. Thank goodness the Supt. had the integrity to treat all people in Henry County with the same respect. And why did the Sanders family try to use the black students to get him to walk only to discard them in your posted letter of the judges Decision. The blacks in this county are enti tled to the same treatment as the white students only to get thrown under the bus by you and Judge Mindham. I am white but I have worked with blacks all my life and continue to do so everyday of my life. Their views are not always the same as mine but that doesn't mean I am right. Their families have supported my family as customersand you are treating them as second class citizens. Hope you post will post saying I sent it tou
libid1234 - May 23 2012 12: AM 17:08

BIGMAN - May 23 2012 12: AM 12:37
HHSGraduate - May 22 2012 12: AM 22:22
Has there been a determination as to whether the guidance counselor sent the letter out in October? I know for a fact that every time I took a standardized test (even the easy ones like the graduation exam), there was a notification of the score…usually included in a report card. Furthermore, the counselor was always careful to warn each of us that a lot was riding on the graduation exam….as in “graduating”. Personally I think that only “graduates” should participate in “graduation” services. I can see the other side as well. If the rule was in place to allow a student to walk and receive a letter of attendance, I would be ok with that. Alas, that is not the situation. The rule is “you don’t walk if you don’t pass”… least it was before the Judge changed it.
HHSGraduate - May 22 2012 12: AM 22:03
Let me paraphrase what Judge Mendheim decreed: "The court acknowledges that the school board can make rules as it sees fit, but that doesn't mean we care. And if other boards choose to make rules that the court likes better I will just install those rules instead." This case is an affront to the school board and an embarrassment to the kids who actually “graduated”, not just walked down the aisle with a gown on.
BIGMAN - May 22 2012 12: AM 10:30
How can you have a law suit against a school because a student isn't smart enough to pass a test? you people take things too far and make them into drawn out wastes of time, and money...i mean come on if his parents are showing out this much they shouldn't be asking for a hand out they should pay for it out of pocket, this has gone toooooo far. im proud to say that im walking with my class tonight...BeCaUsE i earned it, not by whom my momma and daddy are, or because of football but because i put the time and effort into my studies so that on this day i would be able to WaLk:)
TIGGERPHOO - May 22 2012 12: AM 07:33
While I feel bad about Aaron not graduating with the rest of his class tonight, I have to wonder what his parents were doing when he fell the graduation exit exams 6 times. It cost money to take the test and if Aaron didn't tell his parents that he fell the test each time, then the parents should have been more interested in what he was doing. Aaron doesnt need money for a lawyer he need more parental interest in what he is doing. His parents should be more interested in his progress in school and get him a tutor to help him. The school board did what they had to do and should be commended. Think about all the other children that didn't pass the test and are going through the same thing. Just because his dad was the football coach and owns a business in headland, should Aaron be given more
TIGGERPHOO - May 22 2012 12: AM 07:24

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