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Judge Conaway and recusal

Viewed: 3470

Posted by: kfreeman
[email protected]
Date: Sep 20 2012 1:35 AM

Judge Conaway's choice to recuse or not to recuse will send a message to all. If he refuses the message he sends is that you get the justice you can afford in his court. If he recuses himself the message is, you get the justice you deserve in Houston County. Judge Conaway do you believe other judges are fair and unbiased and would rule with integrity? Then what is the problem with you recusing yourself and showing your Judicial integrity??

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yankee - Sep 27 2012 12: AM 11:06
All of this would end with a vote by the people and that is the way it should have been handled not by what a couple rich leaders want or believe in.
deadmeat - Sep 26 2012 12: AM 09:46
It's always good for business to have a judge or two in your back pocket.
Amazing - Sep 24 2012 12: AM 16:49
All of this Judges refusal to recuse himself centers around this tired Country Crossing / Center Stage issue. There are certain people that keep digging up and smelling the corpse of the preverbial dead horse. Country Crossing is gone, Center Stage on its way out. The remaining hangers-on just need to let it go and move on. It's reached a point where no one cares, except maybe Ricky and 10 other people. Just say your good-byes and let it go.

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