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Posted by: RickBlaine
Date: Dec 22 2011 7:53 AM

On December 15th I posted an editorial on the Iraq War not being over. "The Iraq War is Not Over" I gave it 4 months, but not even two weeks have gone by and there was a coordinated attack of over 14 bombings just yesterday. Already, they are trying to arrest the Vice President of Iraq. The Vice President of Iraq had to flee the county. ---- How can someone so educated, so "smart" can be so dumb. Anyone with any brains could tell what would happen when you take away the referee. But you know what? The President does not care. I really don't want to believe that he is that stupid. He wanted to fulfill his campaign promise, even if it means throwing away everything our soldiers fought for and died for. Now, I don't like spending the billions of dollars spent in Iraq, but to just walk out... we have just given the country to future terroist. --- There is not enough space in this 1000 word editorial to tell you what I really think.

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JimBro - Mar 01 2012 12: AM 14:28
OK...BOTH sides are wrong here. Obama pulled the troops from Iraq to fulfill his campaign promise. BUT, on the other hand, the war was NEVER fought properly from the beginning. The ONLY thing that will work in that part of the world is a good, old-fashioned, WWII st yle carpet bombing campaign. THEN you pack up and leave. AND you stop buying their oil. AND you drill for oil here at home. When the USA (and Europe) stops buying oil from the middle east, they will either REVERT to the stone-age OR get their head out of the sand and move into the 21st century! We CANNOT save a people who DO NOT care about life!
JimBro - Mar 01 2012 12: AM 14:25

sweetieonme - Jan 13 2012 12: AM 14:42
I think that we the people,are so quick to judge others in order to forget our own shortfalls. And, unless you live outside of the United States, President Barrack Obama is definately your PRESIDENT even if you did NOT vote for him. The Racist Republican Congress has blocked EVERYTHING that he has tried to accomplish. Now with this being said, If we all come together many things can be accomplished. Remember this, President Obama DID NOT send our troops to war, it was your president BUSH!!!!
Brent Favor - Dec 25 2011 12: AM 15:21
Come on man... The United States of America pulled it's military presence out of Iraq per advice of Central Command, Iraq would not guarantee diplomatic immunity to our military. The choice was a no brainer. However the USA now has a huge embassy in southern Iraq and that is no coincidence. Can you say Oil protection? Iranian deterrent? Tens of thousands of CIA embassy workers protecting the USA investment in Iraq. Not to mention a huge USA military garrison in Kuwait and Afghanistan. The USA {Rick} should be very proud with what our military accomplished.
Brent Favor - Dec 25 2011 12: AM 15:07

Amazing - Dec 25 2011 12: AM 12:21
The man you speak of, your president not mine shown us ever time he opens his mouth that he's an idiot. The man has done NOTHING right since he's been in office....NOTHING! He's screwed up everything he has touched. He's like the cartoon character who has a rain cloud over his head that won't go away. Unfortunately for us he can't see any further than his left-wing socialist political rhetoric. The man is killing the country slowly but surely. Jimmy Carter smiles & sleeps a lot better these days knowing he's no longer the "worst" president in history. Barack Hussien Obama will hold that ti tle for decades. The other sad part is there are idiots out there that will actually vote for the S.O.B. again. It's terrifying to think we might be stuck with this genuis for another 4 years.
keith wise - Dec 25 2011 12: AM 11:14
You are right i think we should sent him over there and let him stay and fix the mess now and see how he likes it

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